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Silent kick when a banned player tries to join a Rust server.#603


There are 2 ways to kick a player from a Rust server.

  • kick
  • skick (Silent Kick)

When a banned player tries to join a Rust server, a kick message is displayed in the chat each time they try to join, which can be confuse and disturb the online players.
I suggest silent kicking banned players instead, if the ban was added before they tried joining the server.
If the ban was added while they were playing, you should normal kick them as you are doing now, because it is good to let the players on the server know, that the person, who disturbed them got banned.
Also, I know, that it’s possible to native ban players, but it’s not efficient to synchronize huge banlists to the servers, silent kick would be the perfect way to reduce chat spam, I hope you can add this.

18 days ago

Correct me if I’m wrong but AFAIK Rust does not have a command for a silent kick.

To not show kick messages requires a serverside plugin which has been posted in our discord and on others.

18 days ago

There is a built in silent kick command (skick), I’m not sure when it was added, but it’s there.

18 days ago


18 days ago